Live Telephone Hypnosis FAQ

Live Telephone Hypnosis FAQ

What are some of the issues you can address in a hypnosis session?

I can address psychic protection, psychic development, healing a broken heart, weight loss, overcoming addictions, boosting confidence, and much more. If you have an issue in mind that you are not sure I can work with you in regard to, please feel free to drop me an email and ask.

How are you able to hypnotize me over the phone?

I suggest you either put me on speaker phone or use a headset, so you can leave your hands free to relax. Also, it can be very helpful to put on some relaxing ambient music in the background to serve as the backdrop for the hypnosis. Make sure that you will be free of interruptions during the duration of the session and that any noisy devices, such as extra phones are also silenced.

What is a pre-talk?

The pre-talk gives me a chance to get to know you and pinpoint what you want to work on, so that I can custom tailor your hypnosis session(s) before we begin trance work. The pre-talk will allow me to answer your questions about hypnosis and how I will work with you. It will also give me an opportunity to make sure you know what to expect and what not to expect out of our work together.

How long is the pre-talk?

The pre-talk usually lasts about 20 minutes. If you feel the need to go over the 20 minute time period, or you have things that you want to talk through, I suggest booking an appointment for a Reading / Life Coaching:

Can I ask psychic questions during the pre-talk or at some point during a hypnosis call?

Absolutely NOT. Psychic readings require me to ‘tune in’ differently, and drain a lot more of my energy than hypnosis work and therefore I charge more for readings.

How many sessions am I going to need?

The pre-talk is one session and then the next phone call will be an actual hypnosis session. If after these first two sessions, you wish to discontinue, that is okay. You are under no obligation. However, I recommend a total of 3-6 sessions over a 2-4 month period (not including the pre-talk session), depending upon the client, to obtain full benefits of the hypnosis. After that, you have the option to continue sessions periodically at your own discretion.

How long does a hypnosis session last?

The hypnosis itself lasts 25-30 minutes, however I like to make sure we have a few minutes before and after the session to talk and wrap things up, so expect to be on the phone for 30-40 minutes total during a typical hypnosis session.

How much will the hypnosis cost?

The 20 minute pre-talk followed by a 40 minute hypnosis call (done on separate days) costs a total of $120.00 for both. After that, each following hypnosis session costs $80.00

How do I make sure that I don't go over the allotted time?

During hypnosis I want you to relax and take the time off your mind, so I will keep track of the time for you and make sure we do not go over our scheduled amount.

What if our sessions are shorter in time, will it still cost the same?

I will not cut your session short. If you decide to cut it short, the cost is still the same as it is for a full length session.

 (FAQ will be updated as new questions come in)